HALO - Logo Remake
This year, Halo: Combat Evolved is celebrating its 20th anniversary. To help celebrate the birthday of my favourite game, I have set out to remake the game's iconic logo.
Shown below, is my artistic process for creating this logo.

Software Used

Vector Art
I started this logo in Adobe Illustrator, to create vector shapes and outlines.
Focusing on making the shapes as accurate to the original logo as possible.

Bevel & Emboss
Then I converted the Illustrator file into a .PSD, ready to be used in Photoshop.
The next step was to use the Bevel & Emboss tool, to makes sure that I give the logo the accurate amount of hight and depth.

Using the original logo as reference, I implemented textures to the logo.
My goal was to have the textures capture the same feeling that the original had.

Finally, I added some polish to the logo.
By giving some shine and gloss to the font. Also applying more defined lighting and shadows, to the rest of the logo.
Final Polish

Logo Comparison
Comparing the two logos, I'm really happy with the outcome.
I feel I've accomplished what I set out to achieve, with this project.

Just for a bit of fun at the end of this project. I decided to recreate the original cover of the game.
To create this cover, I used images and textures from some of the most recent Halo games. Also, a character render, from an artist within the Halo community: https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/ix1utm/i_recreated_the_halo_ce_box_art_pose_using_the/
Cover Comparison

Check out